
DJ PAYPALインタビューの和訳その2 (短め)

DJ Paypal is that dude whose name you see on the internet and roll your eyes,  then after a while you laugh.
Eventually you hear an insane happy hardcore remix on Rinse.FM
and say, "Whoa, someone give me a track ID!"and the answer is DJ Paypal
and you say, "That dude? From the internet? Wow his tunes are good. Where can I find more?" 
And that's pretty much all we know about DJ Paypal.

もしインターネットで”DJ Paypalなんてふざけた名前を見たら、君は馬鹿にするだろう。だけど君があるときRinse. FMを聴いていて、最高のハッピーハードコアのリミックスが流れてきたとする。「ウワーやばい!これ誰の何て曲?」と君は叫ぶだろう。それがDJ paypalの曲だ。君はこう続ける。「これがDJ Paypalなの?やばい、他の曲はどこで聴けるの?」

以下がThump (米音楽メディア)がDJ Paypalについて現在知ってる全てだ。

What is your name?


DJ Paypal, aka Paypal Payme, aka Yung Paper Boy.
「DJ Paypal。”Paypal Payme”だったり、”Yung Paper Boy”だったりもする」

Where are you from?
Born in northern USA, but grew up in the south.

One line about your hometown?
I come from one of the banking capitals of America, where a lot of money flows.

How old are you?
18-30 yrs old (approximately).

What did the first ever track you made sound like and what was it inspired by?
The first track I ever made under the name DJ Paypal was a remix of a producer here in Berlin named TCF.My inspiration for that one mostly came from a Gold Panda track named "Police."
「DJ Paypalとして作った初めての曲はベルリンのプロデューサーTCFの曲のリミックスだった。Gold Pandaの「Police」に影響された感じのトラックだったよ」

How did you get your name?
何で「DJ Paypal」って名前にしたの?
My name comes from an ongoing joke i had with DJ Mastercard about how we pay for things and how juke DJs always message us offering to give us track packs in return for money (paid with by PayPal).
元はジョークなんだよ。日頃からJUKEを聴いていると、JUKEのビートメイカーから「○○ドル振り込んでくれたら俺の曲のパックを送ってやるぜ」なんてメッセージが頻繁に来るんだよね。それでいつもPayPalで支払うんだ。仲間のDJ Mastarcardとそういうやりとりを笑ってつけたジョークだったんだ。

What labels do you record for?
Currently, I'm with LuckyMe Records, but in the past I've worked with Sewage Tapes and their sister label, Interscape Records Ltd.
今はLuckyMeのために曲を作ってるよ。過去にはSewage Tapesや、その姉妹レーベルのInterscape Records Ltdからもリリースしてる。

Other than a club or a house, whats the best environment to hear your music (real or imagined)?
The best place for me to listen to my tracks would have to be in the mall, headphones blasting, window shopping.

What is your favorite sound (or sounds) right now?
Right now I'm heavily into happy hardcore, specifically j-core. It's crazy, super cute, and emotional.

Name some non-musical inspirations.
Good deodorant, dancing, crying kawaii Japanese girls, and fireworks exploding out of trashcans on the 4th of July.

Who is one up-and-coming artist you think we should look out for and why?
I think my favorite artist coming up currently is Yung Lean and his gang, Yung Sherman and Yung Gud Shorty – very talented kids, super friendly.
「いますごく好きなのはYung Lean周辺。Yung ShermanとかYung Gud若くてとても才能に溢れてると思うし、親しみやすい奴らだしね」

What's next for you?
My next move is a release on LuckyMe records this year, and shows around Europe in the meantime before I head back to the States in september for more shows.

This interview was originally published for Thump.
written by Jessica Gentile.


このインタビューは米音楽メディアThumpのためにJessica Gentile氏によって書かれた記事を日本語に訳したものです