
FactmagのFRIENDZONEインタビューの和訳 (後編)


そしてMain Attrakionzとのコラボ作『808s & Dark Grapes III』。


FRIENDZONEインタビュー (後編)

ジェームズ(左)    ディラン(右)

Tell me about DX.


JL: DX is gonna be our first release where people haven’t heard most of the songs. DX is an album 100%, this is our heart and soul.


DR: After Collection I, and during the time when A$AP Rocky was working on ‘Fashion Killa’, we started getting approached by a lot of major label artists, so the logic was that we had to start to keeping our best stuff under wraps so we could save them to send out to rappers. But over time, a lot of stuff accumulated that we felt wasn’t quite destined for a major label rap album placement.

ディラン:『Collection 1』とA$AP Rockyの「Fashion Killa」がきっかけになって、メジャー・レーベルのアーティストたちからビート提供のオファーがたくさんくるようになったんだ。だから自信作のビートは取っておいて、そういうラッパーたちに送って。でも時間が経つうちに、そっちには送れない、メジャーのラップ・アルバムには適さないようなビートもいくつも溜まってきたんだ。

The idea of making DX originally came about as a way to just get that stuff out. In its first incarnation, DX was done in January, but after Long Live A$AP dropped, we felt a lot of pressure: suddenly we were getting a lot more attention than before and it felt like our next release should be as good as it can be.

ディラン:最初はそういう曲をまとめて発表しよう、ぐらいのコンセプトだったんだよ。実は『DX』の原型は1月にはできあがってたんだよね。でも、その後A$AP Rockyの『Long Live A$AP』が発売されて、僕らは突然、以前じゃ考えられないような注目にさらされた。それで、このタイミングで次にリリースする作品はできるだけ良いものにしなくちゃ、ってプレッシャーがかかったんだ。

JL: We couldn’t just drop a bunch of b-sides, basically. This album is much more full.


DR: We started rewriting it and that’s basically what we’ve been doing between now and January. We’ve been working on it so long that I can’t even tell if I like it or not anymore. All the feedback has been very positive though.


JL: We almost have a warped perception of the record; it’s always nice to hear people like it.


What was your goal with the album?


DR: We wanted to do something ambitious. I wanted to make an album that would make people’s heads spin, make them rethink their ideas about music a little. I remember thinking, “I want people to hear this and be like ‘what the fuck?’” In the end, I think DX came out sounding very head focused, in contrast with Collection I, which is more “body” music.

ディラン:ちょっとした野心があるんだよね。僕はこのアルバムがみんなの考え方を少しだけ変えるようなものになってくれたら、って思ってる。音楽についての考え方を。みんながこれを聴いて「なんだよこれ?」って思ってくれたらいいな、って考えながら作ってたんだ。『DX』はみんなの頭に強く訴えるアルバムになったと思う。『Collection I』とは対照的だよね。あのアルバムはボディに訴える音楽だったから。

There’s an Aphex Twin sample on ‘RETAILXTAL’ — who’s the bigger fan?

「RETAILXTAL」ではAphex Twinをサンプリングしてるよね。Aphex Twinを好きなのは君たち2人のどっち?

JL: Ha, I used to be such an Aphex Twin nut. ‘XTAL’ is in my all time favorite songs list.

ジェームズ:ハハ、僕が昔Aphex Twinにめちゃくちゃハマってたんだよね。「XTAL」は僕のオールタイム・フェイヴァリットなんだ。

DR: I had three of his albums when I was a kid: Richard D James Album, Drukgs, and Selected Ambient Works Volume II. James picked the sample out, though.

ディラン:僕は若い頃Aphex Twinの3枚のアルバムを持ってたな。『Richrd D James Album』と『Drukgs』、それに『Selected Ambient Works vol.II』。今回これをサンプリングしたのはジェームズだよ。

At a few points on the album, I was wondering if you guys have thought about working with singers. Any dream collaborations?


DR: We have not ever seriously pursued a singer. I think maybe our music is so melodic that rappers compliment it better — they provide contrast. Most every time I’ve heard someone singing on our beats, it just felt like too much and too cluttered.


JL: We like to cram our songs with lots of melodies, it might be hard to work with as a singer.


DR: It gets in the way of the rappers sometimes too. For every hit there are a couple misses that were beautiful beats but didn’t leave enough space. It would be so suffocating to have to make our instrumentals work with vocalists every time.


DR: I’d love to work with R. Kelly and Perfume, though.


JL: I still want to work with Chief Keef and Young Thug.


Any update on 808s and Dark Grapes III?

『808s & Darkgrapes III』の進展はどう?

DR: We’ve been taking a little time to relax after DX, but 808s is the next on the agenda. Our managers just had a meeting yesterday about planning the Mondre solo and 808s release dates around each other; not sure how it came out but the record is basically done in terms of songwriting.

ディラン:『DX』を作り終わって少しだけ一休みしてたんだけど、もう今はまた『808s~』に取り組んでるよ。マネージャーと昨日ミーティングして、『808s ~』と、Mondre M.A.Nのソロ次作のリリース日について打ち合わせしたんだ。いつ頃リリースかはまだハッキリわからないけど、楽曲はだいたい完成してるよ。

We are in the mixing stage and that’s been a long process. We have always engineered everything ourselves; we are very protective of our work and really hesitant to let other people touch the mixes or anything. I think that approach has slowed the process a bit: it’s incredibly hard to stay objective while mixing your own music.


JL: We can say that it’s gonna be really, really, really good and that it’s done.


It seems that it has become more acceptable for “hip hop producers” to work with rappers as well as make music under their own name. How have you found that experience?


DR: There are a lot of preconceptions in people’s minds about what “hip hop producers” are supposed to be, and what boundaries the music is supposed to fit into. When people hear we are hip hop producers, it makes them have all these expectations about us and I resent that. It motivated the songwriting on DX.


JL: Yeah, people definitely have preconceptions on what it means to be a “hip-hop producer,” but I feel like an artist can do whatever they please. They don’t have to hold onto doing one type of thing. I love when I see electronic music producers produce for rap artists and stuff like that. I think it adds a very different element to the song.


DR: Preconceptions are a really powerful thing. It’s what defines a category in peoples heads. If something doesn’t fit that definition, then it’s “wrong” and “bad” and that stifles the artists. For a long time — especially during the late 1990s and early 2000s — rap music was flooded with really generic acts and it created a really dull time for mainstream music. Even today, I feel like when I tell people that we produce for rappers and also do instrumental music, they expect us to sound like DJ Shadow or something.

ディラン:先入観からくる思い込みって本当に根強いんだよ。みんな頭の中で勝手にカテゴライズしちゃうんだ。もしその定義に当てはまらないものがあったら、「こんなの違う」とか「ダメな作品」って言われてしまうんだよ。その怖さがアーティストを抑圧してる。いつだってそう - 特に90年代初期から00年代初頭のヒップホップでは、同じような作品ばっかりが氾濫して、メインストリームのシーンはひどく退屈なものになってしまった。今でも同じだよ。僕らが人に「ラップミュージックをプロデュースしてる」って言うと、いつだってDJシャドウとか、そういうのを期待されちゃうんだ。

Hopefully that’s changing, with you guys, Supreme Cuts, Ryan Hemsworth and the like working with more rappers.

ディラン:でもSupreme Cutsとか、Ryan Hemsworthみたいなプロデューサーたちがこれからもどんどんラッパーとコラボしていけば、もしかしたら変わってくるかもしれないよね。

JL: I agree, people seem to be open to that kind of stuff now, which makes me super glad that we could be a part of the “movement” of internet rap and just the production wave.


DR: Yeah, definitely. Things have changed a lot in the last two years. It’s a beautiful time to be alive and making music. Lots of artists are redefining things; I really want to contribute to that as much as I can.


・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・

This interview was originally published by Factmag.
