2013年9月にリリースされたロンドンのプロデューサー、bo enの1stアルバム『Pale Machine』。
TrapやJersey Clubといった新しいビートの要素も取り入れながら、楽曲は自身の多重ボーカルをメインとしたひねくれポップ。伸びやかなメロディーと、カタコトの日本語詞も最高にキュートな、すばらしいアルバムでした。
参加型コンピ企画『FOGPAK』でbo en名義としてのデビューを飾り、1stアルバムもMaltine Recordsからリリースと、日本との縁も深いbo en。彼自身、以前から本格的に日本語を勉強しており、大の親日家です。
今回はそんなロンドンのポップ王子、bo enにインタビューしました!
1stアルバム『Pale Machine』のことはもちろん、さまざまなジャンルから受けた影響について、また、別名義"Calum Bowen"でゲーム音楽を作るようになった経緯や、日本の音楽への愛情まで、いろいろ語ってくれています。
(*このインタビューは英語で行い、ぺちこさん @mpecci515 の協力で日本語に翻訳しました)
interview with bo en
Q1. many of bo en 's songs sounds like lullaby. "miss you" sampled child's voice. and chorus of "pale machine" are sounds like children's singing. Did you conscious of lullaby when you're making the album ?
bo en: Other than 'my time', I'd never really thought of any of my songs as lullabies, however it makes a lot of sense considering I wrote the majority of the album after moving back to my parents' house. So memories of childhood were definitely present when writing this music.
Q1. bo enさんの楽曲の多くは子守唄のように響きます。「miss you」でのこどもが話すサンプリングや「pale machine」でのコーラスなど、こどもの声も多く使っていますよね。「子守唄みたい」という要素は制作時に意識していましたか?
bo en: 「My time」以外の曲は子守唄を意識したことはなかったな。でも、このアルバムの曲の多くは、大学を卒業して、実家に戻ってから書いた曲なんだ。だからどの曲にも、幼い頃の懐かしい思い出みたいなフィーリングが詰まってると思う。
Q2. How does your beat process happen ? melodies first ? or drums and chords ?
bo en: For me, it's definitely chords first. I usually spend a long time playing chords at the piano and then go into my DAW (logic pro 9) and start making everything. Melody usually grows out of chord progressions and I build everything up section by section usually. I like to be doing everything all at the same time - if i finish the drums then do the bass then do the chords I think the whole thing feels really separate. Especially with drums, I like to make them feel like they're interacting with everything else and there's some fluidity there rather than them being the background to the whole thing.
Q2. ビート制作はどういう工程で進めるのですか?最初に作るのはメロディー?コード進行?ビート?
bo en: 僕はいつもコードから作り始めるよ。ピアノでコード進行を考えて、いいのができたらPCのLogic Proで作業を始める。コード進行が固まったらメロディーも自然と出てくるんだ。
Q3. What Equipment you use in DTM?
bo en: I use logic pro 9 for making everything and a combination of logic and ableton for live performances.
Q3. ビート制作ではどのような機材を使用していますか?
Q3. ビート制作ではどのような機材を使用していますか?
Q4. Please tell us about your collaboration with Avec Avec and mus.hiba. What made you ask them to hop on your album ?
bo en: The collaboration with mus.hiba came about through soundcloud. I really dug his song 'hidamari' and was really keen to use vocaloids in my own music. From there I had this idea of doing a duet with a vocaloid. Mus.hiba taught me how to use UTAU (the mac version of vocaloid) and from there we made a song together. We sent stems back and forth. We both had different aesthetic preferences so ended up making two mixes!
As for Avec Avec, I contacted him about a year or two ago back when he released ネトカノ with Seiho as Sugar's Campaign. After a while we were chatting quite regularly and sharing a lot of music. We share really similar taste in music so we knew we wanted to collaborate but we were both really busy. The collaboration was the last thing we did on the album - we were still making it the night before my flight to japan! I wrote the majority of the song and the lyrics and avec avec took care of a lot of the production side of things and added in a few melodic elements. We both sang on the song! It was quite a high-pressured collaboration in the end as time was running out so I think we're pretty keen to collaborate again on something a lil' more relaxed!
Q4. Avec Avecやmus.hibaとのコラボについて教えてください。日本の彼らとコラボしたいと思ったきっかけは何ですか?
(*こちらはmus.hibaバージョンの「Winter Valentine」)
Avec Avecは1~2年ぐらい前に、僕からコンタクトを取ったんだ。彼とSeihoのユニット”Sugar's Campaign”の「ネトカノ」を聴いたのがきっかけだね。それから僕らは定期的にチャットするようになった。いろんな曲を聴かせ合ったりしたよ。僕らは音楽の好みがすごく似てるから、自然とコラボする話になったんだ。でもお互いすごく忙しくかったから、「be okay」はアルバムでも最後の最後、ギリギリに完成した。リリースパーティーで日本に発つ前日の晩まで作業してたんだよ!
曲とリリックは僕が書いて、プロダクション面ではAvec Avecが多くを担ってくれた。彼らしいメロディックな要素をこの曲に足してくれてる。それにこの曲では僕ら2人とも歌ってるんだよね!今回は時間的なプレッシャーもあったけれど、ぜひまた、次はもっとリラックスした感じでコラボしたいな!
Q5. Who would you love to work with ?
bo en: I'm not sure if there's anyone specifically I'd love to collaborate with but I'd love to put together a huge band (like 30+ people) and write new music for them (like はにわちゃん!). Otherwise, I think I want to work with vocalists most of all since that's kind of where I think I fall down a lot of the times in my own songs. I would kill to work with someone huge like justin bieber or something. I would have loved to have written a song for Michael Jackson before he died. Maybe R. Kelly? I don't know.
Q5. 他にもコラボレーションしてみたい人はいますか?
Q6. some of your chord progression and arrangement are sounds like jazz or bossa nova. and, some songs are sounds like Electric Light Orchestra or Jellyfish. you combining many genres. Did you get music education ?
bo en: I studied music composition at university. I definitely love jazz and bossa nova - they're big influences for my approach to harmony in songs. I think there's different aesthetic layers that sit ontop of what is quite a consistent harmonic approach in my songs and that's always from the jazz/latin tradition. As for changing genres, I guess it's a reflection of being into a lot of different music. Also, I envisage the sound of this album like the sonic version of flicking through channels on TV!
Q6. あなたのいくつかの曲のコード進行やアレンジはジャズやボサノヴァの影響を感じます。また、別の曲ではElectric Light OrchestraやJellyfishみたいにも聴こえます。bo en さんはいろんなジャンルを自在に混ぜあわせていますよね。学校で作曲を学んだり、音楽的な教育を受けたのでしょうか?
Q7. you've explained your music like " sounds like a cross between Animal Collective and Stevie Wonder " . What's your most favorite album of Motown ?
bo en: Honestly, I don't listen to much motown. Stevie Wonder is such a big cultural figure and had a huge impact (got sampled the shit out of) on R&B in the 90s which were my formative childhood years so I think it's difficult for me to escape falling in love with his taste in harmony.
Q7. あなたは自分の音楽を「Animal CollectiveとStevie Wonderの入り交じりみたい」と表現していますよね。モータウンで一番好きなアルバムは何ですか?
Q8.please pick 1 song you think "perfect pop music".
bo en: I have a playlist on my itunes called 'perfect pop disco chords' - so i have a few tracks that I think are just unescapably euphoric and perfectly crafted. I think my favourite is probably 'rock with you' by michael jackson. P.Y.T and Off The Wall also come pretty close. Pretty much anything from 'Off The Wall'/'Thriller' era Michael. I think 'Natural Playboy' from the game Bust A Groove is actually a pretty perfect pop song. I think my judgement of "perfect pop song" is all based on how much the song makes me want to dance and not give a shit about anyone else in the world.
Q8. あなたが「ポップ・ミュージックとして完璧」だと思う1曲を教えてください。
僕のiTunesには「perfect pop disco chords」ってプレイリストが作ってあるんだ。だから“完璧に多幸感に溢れた曲”ならすぐにでもいくつか挙げられるよ。
たぶん一番好きなのはマイケル・ジャクソンの「Rock With You」、次にかなり僅差で「P.Y.T」と「Off The Wall」かな。『Off The Wall』/『Thriller』期のマイケルはどの曲も本当に好き。
あと『Bust A Groove』ってゲームに入っている、「Natural Playboy」も完璧なポップ・ソングの一つだと思う。
Q9. why did you decide to start creating video game music ? What is your favorite video games ?
bo en: Writing video game music was my childhood dream. I started a video game covers band and got into chip music in my teen years and was always listening to a lot of video game soundtracks. When I got to university I started to take the idea of writing video game music a lot more seriously and that's kinda how I got here! My favourite games... I was really into rhythm games - gitarooman, parappa the rapper, vib ribbon for example. I play still play 'noby noby boy' (from the makers of katamari) every now and then! I absolutely love Animal Crossing. I'm not really into violent games or suspenseful games. I just want to act out a little cute town utopia fun fishing dancing land game.
Q9. ゲーム音楽を手がけるようになったきっかけは何ですか?また、一番好きなゲームを教えてください。
bo en: I think having japanese composers dominate the majority of the best game music made in the 90s, I was drawn to a lot of japanese game music. I also listened to a lot of shibuya-kei in my teenage years since it shared my taste for jazz harmonies! Japanese language is super interesting and rewarding (perhaps mainly cos it's so challenging) just from a linguistics standpoint. Only a few years ago I got into the whole Japanese electronic music scene which I guess is what led to me releasing my album on maltine records. I think I just had a strong desire to communicate with people who I felt were making imaginative, playful and complex work!
Q10. 以前から日本語を本格的に勉強されているようですが、日本のカルチャーを好きになったきっかけがあれば教えてください。
Q10. you have been studying Japanese in earnest. How did your fascination with Japanese culture arise?
bo en: I think having japanese composers dominate the majority of the best game music made in the 90s, I was drawn to a lot of japanese game music. I also listened to a lot of shibuya-kei in my teenage years since it shared my taste for jazz harmonies! Japanese language is super interesting and rewarding (perhaps mainly cos it's so challenging) just from a linguistics standpoint. Only a few years ago I got into the whole Japanese electronic music scene which I guess is what led to me releasing my album on maltine records. I think I just had a strong desire to communicate with people who I felt were making imaginative, playful and complex work!
Q10. 以前から日本語を本格的に勉強されているようですが、日本のカルチャーを好きになったきっかけがあれば教えてください。
何年か前に日本のエレクトロニック・ミュージックのシーンを知って夢中になって、この想像力豊かで楽しくて複雑な音楽を作っている人たちと繋がりたい、って思ってたんだ!それが今回Maltine Recordsからのリリ-スに繋がったんだよ。
Q11. did you enjoy this trip to Japan ?What are your most memorable experiences in your trip ?
bo en: Japan was amazing! Playing the show at 2.5D was probably the highlight for me. It was the biggest crowd I'd played to (I think both URL and IRL) and everyone was so ridiculously supportive that it made the whole thing really really enjoyable. Other than that, onsen were amazing! If I could play shows like that and then hop into an onsen every night, I would live a really happy life.
Q11. 今回の日本への旅行は楽しめましたか?一番の思い出に残ったところを教えてください。
More Info for bo en
soundcloud : bandcamp : twitter : facebook : official site
bo enはゲーム音楽を作る別名義(というか本名なのですが)
"Calum Bowen"としても精力的に活動しています。
"Calum Bowen"としても精力的に活動しています。
前に書いた記事でもCalum Bowenの過去作についてまとめました。
楽曲提供してるゲームも、インタビューでbo enが挙げてくれたゲームたちにも繋がるような、
bo enの音楽を好きになった方は、こっちの名義の作品も気に入ると思うので、
More Info for Calum bowen
official site : soundcloud : bandcamp : twitter : facebook : youtube